Abortion Provider Appreciation Day
On March 10, 1993, Dr. David Gunn was murdered by a white supremacist anti-abortion extremist. In 1996, March 10 became the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers as a way to honor the work of Dr. Gunn and all of the courageous, compassionate people who provide abortions.
In the years since, Abortion Provider Appreciation Day has become an annual tradition of celebrating and appreciating abortion care providers through love notes, art, acts of kindness and support, a love-fest on social media, and more.
Simple messages to celebrate abortion providers:
- Abortion care providers are [compassionate, bold, caring, strong, amazing, stars, etc.].
- Indie providers are creative, caring, and strong – they show up to provide abortions every day while working towards a world in which we can shape our own futures.
- Thank you, abortion care providers!
- Because of you, I could __________________.
- Proudly declaring our love for abortion providers is an act of appreciation, a show of support, and one more way to bust stigma. We love abortion care providers!
- I love my local abortion provider!
- Indie clinics are centers of care [connection, respect, action, trusted information, etc.] in their communities.
- Abortion care providers trust people who have abortions.
Want to take action or encourage others?
Send a digital love note! Make sure abortion providers know that they have your support, care, and kudos by leaving a message on our digital Kudoboard for them to see!
Donate to independent clinics: every dollar donated to KeepOurClinics.org goes directly to indie clinics to help them stay open and care for their communities.
Join the virtual celebration on social media! Use the above sample messaging to share your love and appreciation for abortion providers using the hashtag #CelebrateAbortionProviders. You can also join the #CelebrateAbortionProviders tweetstorm on March 12th at 1pm est.
Download and share any of the images below:
Images courtesy Danni Fuentes and may be published with attribution.
To find an abortion clinic near you, go to www.ineedanA.com
To find an independent, ACN member clinic, click here.
Follow Abortion Care Network on social media
About Abortion Care Network
Abortion Care Network is the fiercest champion for independent abortion clinics across the U.S. Founded in 2008, ACN is the only national membership association dedicated to supporting independent, community-based abortion care providers and their allies. We know that in order to ensure that abortion is accessible for all, we must stand up for independent clinics, which is why we play a leading role in supporting the sustainability of community-based abortion care. As a community that fights for what’s right, we are guided by an anti-oppression framework to safeguard abortion access, end clinic harassment, and continue to support providers in offering exceptional care.